We are a generous church.
We’re so thankful for the generosity of those who give to Falkirk Vineyard, providing us with the resources to carry out our ministry and work in our community, demonstrating God’s love inside and outside this church in practical ways.
Our principals of giving.
Under Old Testament law, 10% of a person’s income was to be given as a “tithe”. Now under grace, we believe that we are free from the law, and we are encouraged to use the 10% as a guideline or starting point for giving to the local church, with any other offerings beyond that. This is an act of worship and thankfulness to God which acknowledges that He is our provider.
All the money to do all God is calling us to do comes from within our church family. We encourage everyone who calls Falkirk Vineyard Church their home to give to our mission.
All the money to do all God is calling us to do comes from within our church family. We encourage everyone who calls Falkirk Vineyard Church their home to give to our mission.
How to give.
1. Standing order.
To set up a standing order, simply log into your online banking or visit your local branch and provide the following details:
Sort Code: 83-91-46
Account Number: 30400484
Account Name: Falkirk Vineyard Church
Reference: FV-<insert your surname>
Once you've set up or amended a standing order, please notify us by emailing [email protected] to let us know the details.
Sort Code: 83-91-46
Account Number: 30400484
Account Name: Falkirk Vineyard Church
Reference: FV-<insert your surname>
Once you've set up or amended a standing order, please notify us by emailing [email protected] to let us know the details.
2. Weekly offering.
You can give via cash or cheque during our Sunday service. If you'd like to let us know who the gift is from or if you are a UK tax payer you can pick up a giving envelope at our info point during our service. When you fill these in, they will give us permission to claim Gift Aid when possible. We receive the offering each week as part of our worship.
Gift aid.
If you’re a UK taxpayer, please check if we can claim Gift Aid on your gift. Gift Aid allows us to claim an extra 25p from HMRC on top of every £1 donated to Falkirk Vineyard Church and significantly increases our income each year. You can fill out the form below:
Falkirk Vineyard is a church in the community, serving the community, changing one life at a time. One way we do this is through our Storehouse ministry which makes a huge practical difference in people's lives. So, another way you can be generous is to give non-perishable food and toiletries to our Storehouse which provides food and necessities to people locally who need help.
We have a collection point in the main hall during our services.
We have a collection point in the main hall during our services.